The Mutharika family puts Education first. They are studious and try very much to follow the rules. Anyone who does not follow the rules is jailed and the law is followed a la lettre. For Bingu wa Mutharika life is directed by established laws, not principles. Many literate Malawians prefer Bingu wa Mutharika because of his Education. He has a master's degree from the University of Delhi and a Phd from Pacific Western University (California). When looking at his political experience and education, it can clearly be concluded that Mutharika is qualified for the job of the presidency. After a term, many have compared Mutharika to Kamuzu Banda due to his nononsensical rule which at times can be interpreted as authoritarian.
The Muluzi Family puts the people first. This means that some rules may be slightly bent for one reason or another. Bakili Muluzi is a laissez faire Leader, though this may mean that some level of corruption can infiltrate itself into the government. Bakili Muluzi puts principles first and not laws. This has at times worked for the Malawi Nation because it lived under tyrany for many years under the colonizers and also under Kamuzu Banda. Though Bakili Muluzi is not as educated as Mr Mutharika, he accommodates the educated Malawians and puts aside a place for them to thrive.
Both Bingu wa Mutharika and Bakili Muluzi believe in a Malawi that is peaceful and economically strong, therefore differing from Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe in objectives. Sadly, the duo have been in the political arena for too long. Mutharika is 75 and Muluzi is 66 and they have been arguing about who should replace the other for too long now. This is the time for a new face to dominate the Malawi polical scene. A person that will bring change. A person whose name is not Barack Obama.
Mmalawi Blog (Malawi Current News)